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BaseModel (ABC)

Base class for building LP/MIP optimization models using a high-level API for metabolic problems.

It implements the chainable methods to set-up a LP/MIP metabolic network problem. Two implementations are available: PicosModel and PythonMipModel. The PicosModel uses the PICOS library as a backend to interact with different solvers. The PythonMipModel uses the Python-MIP library to solve the model using the CBC or GUROBI solvers.


Do not try to instantiate this class directly. Use the load() function instead. The method automatically selects the right implementation depending on the solver.

Source code in miom/
class BaseModel(ABC):
    """Base class for building LP/MIP optimization models
    using a high-level API for metabolic problems.

    It implements the chainable methods to set-up a LP/MIP 
    metabolic network problem. Two implementations are available: 
    PicosModel and PythonMipModel. The PicosModel uses the 
    [PICOS library]( 
    as a backend to interact with different solvers. The PythonMipModel uses 
    the [Python-MIP]( library to solve the
    model using the CBC or GUROBI solvers.

    !!! note
        Do not try to instantiate this class directly. Use the [load()][miom.miom.load] 
        function instead. The method automatically selects the right implementation 
        depending on the solver.

    def __init__(self, previous_step_model=None, miom_network=None, solver_name=None):
        self.previous_step_model = previous_step_model = miom_network
        self.variables = None
        self.objective = None
        self._last_start_time = None
        self.last_solver_time = None
        if previous_step_model is not None:
            self._options = previous_step_model._options
            if miom_network is None:
            if solver_name is not None:
                self._options["solver"] = solver_name
            # Default recommended options
            self._options = {
                'int_tol': 1e-8,
                'feas_tol': 1e-8,
                'opt_tol': 1e-5,
                'verbosity': 0,
                'solver': solver_name
        self.problem = self.initialize_problem()

    def initialize_problem(self):

    def get_solver_status(self):

    def status(self):
        return self.get_solver_status()

    def setup(self, **kwargs):
        """Provide the options for the solver.

            int_tol (float): Integrality tolerance for integer variables.
                Defaults to 1e-8.
            feas_tol (float): Feasibility tolerance. Defaults to 1e-8.
            opt_tol (float): Relative MIP gap tolerance for MIP problems.
                Defaults to 1e-5.
            verbosity (int): Values above 0 force the backends to be verbose.
                Use a value of 1 to show useful information about the search.
                Defaults to 0.

            BaseModel: the configured instance of the BaseModel
        if self.problem is None:
            warnings.warn("Problem cannot be configured since it was not initialized")
            return False
        options = dict()
        int_tol = kwargs["int_tol"] if "int_tol" in kwargs else None
        feas_tol = kwargs["feas_tol"] if "feas_tol" in kwargs else None
        opt_tol = kwargs["opt_tol"] if "opt_tol" in kwargs else None
        verbosity = kwargs["verbosity"] if "verbosity" in kwargs else None
        solver = kwargs["solver"] if "solver" in kwargs else None
        if int_tol is not None:
            options["int_tol"] = int_tol
        if feas_tol is not None:
            options["feas_tol"] = feas_tol
        if opt_tol is not None:
            options["opt_tol"] = opt_tol
        if verbosity is not None:
            options["verbosity"] = verbosity
        if solver is not None:
            options["solver"] = solver
        # Calculate a min eps value to avoid numerical issues
        self._options["_min_eps"] = np.sqrt(2*self._options["int_tol"])
        return self._options

    def steady_state(self):
        """Add the required constraints for finding steady-state fluxes

        The method adds the $S * V = 0$ set of constraints, where $S$
        is the stoichiometric matrix and $V$ the flux variables.

            BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.

    def keep(self, reactions):
        """Force the inclusion of a list of reactions in the solution.

        Reactions have to be associated with positive weights in order to
        keep them in the final solution. Note that once keep() is called,
        the weights associated to the reactions selected to be kept will
        not be taken into account, as they will be forced to be kept in
        the solution.

            reactions (list): List of reaction names, a binary vector
                indicating the reactions to keep, or a list of indexes
                with the reactions to keep.

            BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
        if self.variables.indicators is None:
            raise ValueError("""No indicator variables for reactions, 
                             transform it to a subset selection problem calling
                             subset_selection first, providing positive weights for the
                             reactions you want to keep.""")
        if reactions is None or len(reactions) == 0:
            return False
        if isinstance(reactions, str):
            reactions = [reactions]
        # Check if it's a binary vector
        if len(reactions) == and max(reactions)==1:
            reactions = np.where(reactions==1)[0]
        # Check if the reactions have an indicator variable
        reactions = set([0] for rxn in reactions)
        available = set(rxn.index for rxn in self.variables.assigned_reactions if rxn.cost > 0)
        diff = reactions - available
        if len(diff) != 0:
            raise ValueError(f"""Only reactions associated with positive weights
                             can be forced to be selected. The following reaction 
                             indexes have no indicator variables or are associated with 
                             negative weights: {diff}.""")
        valid_rxn_idx = reactions & available
        # Get the indexes of the indicator variables
        idxs = [i for i, r in enumerate(self.variables.assigned_reactions)
                if r.index in valid_rxn_idx]
        return dict(idxs=idxs, valid_rxn_idx=valid_rxn_idx)

    def subset_selection(self, rxn_weights, direction='max', eps=1e-2, strengthen=True):
        """Transform the current model into a subset selection problem.

        The subset selection problem consists of selecting the positive weighted
        reactions and remove the negative weighted reactions, subject to steady
        state constraints and/or additional constraints on fluxes, and maximizing
        the weighted sum of the (absolute) weights for the successfully selected reactions
        (with positive weights) and the successfully removed reactions (with negative
        weights). Selected reactions are forced to have an absolute flux value greater 
        or equal to the threshold `eps` (1e-2 by default). Removed reactions should have a
        flux equal to 0.

        Each reaction is associated with a weight (positive or negative) provided
        in the parameter `rxn_weights`, and the objective is to select the reactions 
        that optimizes the following expression:

        f(x) = \sum_i^n |w_i| * x_i

        where $x_i$ are the indicator variables for the reactions $i$ and $w_i$ are
        the weights for the reactions associated to the indicator variable. Indicator
        variables are automatically created for each reaction associated to a non-zero
        weight. Two (mutually exclusive) indicator variables are used for positive weighted 
        reactions that are reversible to indicate whether there is positive or negative flux 
        through the reaction. A single indicator variable is created for positive weighted
        non-reversible reactions, to indicate if the reaction is selected (has a non-zero 
        flux greater or equal to `eps`) in which case the indicator variable is 1, 
        or 0 otherwise. 

        A single binary indicator variable is also created for negative weighted reactions, 
        indicating whether the reaction was not selected (i.e, has 0 flux, in which case the
        indicator variable is 1) or not (in which case the indicator variable is 0).

            rxn_weights (list): List of weights for each reaction. If a single value
                is provided, it is assumed to be the weight for all reactions.
            eps (float, optional): Min absolute flux value for weighted reactions
                to consider them active or inactive. Defaults to 1e-2.

            BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
        # Calculate min valid EPS based on integrality tolerance
        min_eps = self._options["_min_eps"]
        if eps < min_eps:
            warnings.warn(f"Minimum epsilon value below min. allowed value, changed to {min_eps}.")
        eps = max(eps, min_eps)
        if not isinstance(rxn_weights, Iterable):
            rxn_weights = [rxn_weights] *
        rxnw = _weighted_rxns(, rxn_weights)
        if self.variables.indicators is None:
            self.variables._assigned_reactions = rxnw
            return dict(eps=eps, direction=direction, strengthen=strengthen)
            raise ValueError("The current model is already a subset selection problem.")

    def set_flux_bounds(self, rxn_id, min_flux=None, max_flux=None):
        """Change the flux bounds of a reaction.

            rxn_id (str/int): name or id of the reaction to change
            min_flux (float, optional): Min flux value. Defaults to None.
            max_flux (float, optional): Max flux value. Defaults to None.

            BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
        i, _ =
        return i

    def add_constraints(self, constraints):
        """Add a list of constraint to the model

            constraints (list): List of expressions with the

            BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
        for c in constraints:
        return len(constraints) > 0

    def exclude(self, indicator_values=None):
        """Exclude a solution from the set of feasible solutions.

        If the problem is a subset selection problem, it adds a new constraint
        to exclude the given values (or the current values of the indicator variables)
        from the set of feasible solutions. This is useful to force the solver to find
        alternative solutions in a manual fashion.

            indicator_values (list, optional): List of values for each indicator variable. Defaults to None.

            BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
        if self.variables.indicators is None:
            raise ValueError("""The optimization model does not contain indicator variables.
            Make sure that the problem is a subset selection problem.""")
        if indicator_values is None:
            indicator_values = np.array(self.variables.indicator_values)
        return dict(indicator_values=indicator_values)

    def add_constraint(self, constraint):
        """Add a specific constraint to the model.
        The constraint should use existing variables already included in the model.

            constraint: affine expression using model's variables.

    def set_objective(self, cost_vector, variables, direction='max'):
        """Set the optmization objective of the model.

            cost_vector (Iterable): List with the cost for each variable
            variables (Iterable): Variables used for the objective function
            direction (str, optional): Optimization direction (min or max). Defaults to 'max'.
        if self.objective is not None:
            warnings.warn("Previous objective changed")
        self.objective = (cost_vector, variables, direction)

    def set_rxn_objective(self, rxn, direction='max'):
        """Set a flux objective

        Maximize or minimize the flux through a given reaction.

            rxn (str): Name of the reaction to use for the optimization
            direction (str, optional): Minimization or maximization of 
                the flux ('min' or 'max'). Defaults to 'max'.

            BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
        i =
        cost = np.zeros(
        cost[i] = 1
        self.set_objective(cost, self.variables.fluxvars, direction=direction)
        return self

    def set_fluxes_for(self, reactions, tolerance=1e-6):
        warnings.warn("This method was renamed to fix_fluxes. It will dissappear in the v0.9.0", DeprecationWarning)
        return self.fix_fluxes(reactions, tolerance)

    def fix_fluxes(self, reactions, tolerance=1e-6):
        """Force the flux of certain reactions to match current values.

        After calling `.solve()` for a flux optimization problem (e.g. FBA), this
        method adds a new constraint to force the flux of the given reactions to
        match the current flux values found after the optimization.

        This is interesting for example to implement methods like sparse-FBA, where
        the optimization is no longer the flux but the number of active reactions,
        and a new constraint is required to preserve optimality of fluxes.

            reactions (list): reaction or list of reactions
            tolerance (float, optional): Tolerance for the flux values
                (a solution is valid if the flux is within optimal value +/- tol. 
                Defaults to 1e-6.

            BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
        if isinstance(reactions, str):
            reactions = [reactions]

        for rid in reactions:
            if isinstance(rid, np.ndarray):
                # TODO: Test this path
                rid = rid['id']
            idx, rxn =
            lb = max(rxn['lb'], self.variables.flux_values[idx] - tolerance)
            ub = min(rxn['ub'], self.variables.flux_values[idx] + tolerance)
            self.add_constraint(self.variables.fluxvars[idx] >= lb)
            self.add_constraint(self.variables.fluxvars[idx] <= ub)
        return self

    def reset(self):
        """Resets the original problem (removes all modifications)

            BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
        if self.problem is None:
            warnings.warn("Problem is not initialized, nothing to reset")
            return False
            return True

    def obtain_subnetwork(
        """Same as [select_subnetwork][miom.miom.BaseModel] but returns the network instead.

        See [select_subnetwork][miom.miom.BaseModel] for a detailed description of the method.

            MiomNetwork: A MiomNetwork with the selected subnetwork.
        # If indicators are present and assigned,
        # take the subset of the network for which
        # the indicators of positive weighted reactions
        # are equal to 1
        if extraction_mode == ExtractionMode.ABSOLUTE_FLUX_VALUE:
            variables = self.variables.flux_values
            if variables is None:
                raise ValueError("The model does not contain flux variables. "
                                 "You need to call first steady_state() to add "
                                 "the flux variables")
        elif extraction_mode == ExtractionMode.INDICATOR_VALUE:
            variables = self.variables.indicator_values
            if variables is None:
                raise ValueError("The model does not contain indicator variables. "
                                 "You need to transform it to a subset selection problem "
                                 "by invoking subset_selection() first.")
        elif extraction_mode == ExtractionMode.REACTION_ACTIVITY:
            variables = self.variables.reaction_activity
            if variables is None:
                raise ValueError("The model does not contain reaction activity variables. "
                                 "You need to transform it to a subset selection problem "
                                 "by invoking subset_selection() first.")
            raise ValueError("Invalid extraction mode")

        if comparator == Comparator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
            selected = np.where(np.abs(variables) >= value)[0]
        elif comparator == Comparator.LESS_OR_EQUAL:
            selected = np.where(np.abs(variables) <= value)[0]
            raise ValueError("Invalid comparison")
        # TODO: Assigned reactions work only for indicator variables
        if extraction_mode == ExtractionMode.INDICATOR_VALUE:
            rxns = [self.variables.assigned_reactions[x] for x in selected]
            selected_idx = [rxn.index for rxn in rxns]
        elif extraction_mode == ExtractionMode.ABSOLUTE_FLUX_VALUE:
            selected_idx = selected
            raise NotImplementedError("Only indicator variables and absolute flux values are supported")

    def select_subnetwork(
        """Select a subnetwork and create a new BaseModel to operate on it.

        The new instance of the BaseModel is a new problem instance with no constraints.
        If the idea is to perform FBA simulations on this new subnetwork, remember to add
        the new constraints, especially the `steady_state`.

            mode (ExtractionMode, optional): Method used to extract the subnetwork 
                (based on flux values or using the indicator values). 
                Defaults to ExtractionMode.ABSOLUTE_FLUX_VALUE.
            comparator (Comparator, optional): Comparator for the selected mode. 
                Defaults to Comparator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL.
            value (float, optional): Value threshold for the mode and comparator selected. 
                Defaults to 1e-8.

            [type]: [description]
        return self.obtain_subnetwork(extraction_mode=mode,

    def get_values(self):
        """Get the values for the variables

            tuple: (V, X) where V are the flux values and X are the indicator values
                (if the problem is a MIP problem, for example if `subset_selection` was
        return self.variables.values()

    def get_fluxes(self, reactions=None):
        """Get the flux values.

            reactions (list, optional): Reaction or subset of reactions
                For which to obtain the flux values. Defaults to None.

            list: List with the flux values for all or the selected reactions.
        if isinstance(reactions, str):
            return self.variables.flux_values[]
        if isinstance(reactions, Iterable):
            return {
                r['id']: self.variables.flux_values[['id'])]
                for r in reactions
        if reactions is None:
            return self.variables.flux_values
            raise ValueError("reactions should be an iterable of strings or a single string")

    def solve(self, verbosity=None, max_seconds=None):
        """Solve the current model and assign the values to the variables of the model.

            verbosity (int, optional): Level of verbosity for the solver. 
                Values above 0 will force the backend to show output information of the search. Defaults to None.
            max_seconds (int, optional): Max time in seconds for the search. Defaults to None.
        self._last_start_time = perf_counter()

    def copy(self):

add_constraint(self, constraint)

Add a specific constraint to the model. The constraint should use existing variables already included in the model.


Name Type Description Default

affine expression using model's variables.

Source code in miom/
def add_constraint(self, constraint):
    """Add a specific constraint to the model.
    The constraint should use existing variables already included in the model.

        constraint: affine expression using model's variables.

add_constraints(self, constraints)

Add a list of constraint to the model


Name Type Description Default
constraints list

List of expressions with the constraints.



Type Description

instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.

Source code in miom/
def add_constraints(self, constraints):
    """Add a list of constraint to the model

        constraints (list): List of expressions with the

        BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
    for c in constraints:
    return len(constraints) > 0

exclude(self, indicator_values=None)

Exclude a solution from the set of feasible solutions.

If the problem is a subset selection problem, it adds a new constraint to exclude the given values (or the current values of the indicator variables) from the set of feasible solutions. This is useful to force the solver to find alternative solutions in a manual fashion.


Name Type Description Default
indicator_values list

List of values for each indicator variable. Defaults to None.



Type Description

instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.

Source code in miom/
def exclude(self, indicator_values=None):
    """Exclude a solution from the set of feasible solutions.

    If the problem is a subset selection problem, it adds a new constraint
    to exclude the given values (or the current values of the indicator variables)
    from the set of feasible solutions. This is useful to force the solver to find
    alternative solutions in a manual fashion.

        indicator_values (list, optional): List of values for each indicator variable. Defaults to None.

        BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
    if self.variables.indicators is None:
        raise ValueError("""The optimization model does not contain indicator variables.
        Make sure that the problem is a subset selection problem.""")
    if indicator_values is None:
        indicator_values = np.array(self.variables.indicator_values)
    return dict(indicator_values=indicator_values)

fix_fluxes(self, reactions, tolerance=1e-06)

Force the flux of certain reactions to match current values.

After calling .solve() for a flux optimization problem (e.g. FBA), this method adds a new constraint to force the flux of the given reactions to match the current flux values found after the optimization.

This is interesting for example to implement methods like sparse-FBA, where the optimization is no longer the flux but the number of active reactions, and a new constraint is required to preserve optimality of fluxes.


Name Type Description Default
reactions list

reaction or list of reactions

tolerance float

Tolerance for the flux values (a solution is valid if the flux is within optimal value +/- tol. Defaults to 1e-6.



Type Description

instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.

Source code in miom/
def fix_fluxes(self, reactions, tolerance=1e-6):
    """Force the flux of certain reactions to match current values.

    After calling `.solve()` for a flux optimization problem (e.g. FBA), this
    method adds a new constraint to force the flux of the given reactions to
    match the current flux values found after the optimization.

    This is interesting for example to implement methods like sparse-FBA, where
    the optimization is no longer the flux but the number of active reactions,
    and a new constraint is required to preserve optimality of fluxes.

        reactions (list): reaction or list of reactions
        tolerance (float, optional): Tolerance for the flux values
            (a solution is valid if the flux is within optimal value +/- tol. 
            Defaults to 1e-6.

        BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
    if isinstance(reactions, str):
        reactions = [reactions]

    for rid in reactions:
        if isinstance(rid, np.ndarray):
            # TODO: Test this path
            rid = rid['id']
        idx, rxn =
        lb = max(rxn['lb'], self.variables.flux_values[idx] - tolerance)
        ub = min(rxn['ub'], self.variables.flux_values[idx] + tolerance)
        self.add_constraint(self.variables.fluxvars[idx] >= lb)
        self.add_constraint(self.variables.fluxvars[idx] <= ub)
    return self

get_fluxes(self, reactions=None)

Get the flux values.


Name Type Description Default
reactions list

Reaction or subset of reactions For which to obtain the flux values. Defaults to None.



Type Description

List with the flux values for all or the selected reactions.

Source code in miom/
def get_fluxes(self, reactions=None):
    """Get the flux values.

        reactions (list, optional): Reaction or subset of reactions
            For which to obtain the flux values. Defaults to None.

        list: List with the flux values for all or the selected reactions.
    if isinstance(reactions, str):
        return self.variables.flux_values[]
    if isinstance(reactions, Iterable):
        return {
            r['id']: self.variables.flux_values[['id'])]
            for r in reactions
    if reactions is None:
        return self.variables.flux_values
        raise ValueError("reactions should be an iterable of strings or a single string")


Get the values for the variables


Type Description

(V, X) where V are the flux values and X are the indicator values (if the problem is a MIP problem, for example if subset_selection was called)

Source code in miom/
def get_values(self):
    """Get the values for the variables

        tuple: (V, X) where V are the flux values and X are the indicator values
            (if the problem is a MIP problem, for example if `subset_selection` was
    return self.variables.values()

keep(self, reactions)

Force the inclusion of a list of reactions in the solution.

Reactions have to be associated with positive weights in order to keep them in the final solution. Note that once keep() is called, the weights associated to the reactions selected to be kept will not be taken into account, as they will be forced to be kept in the solution.


Name Type Description Default
reactions list

List of reaction names, a binary vector indicating the reactions to keep, or a list of indexes with the reactions to keep.



Type Description

instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.

Source code in miom/
def keep(self, reactions):
    """Force the inclusion of a list of reactions in the solution.

    Reactions have to be associated with positive weights in order to
    keep them in the final solution. Note that once keep() is called,
    the weights associated to the reactions selected to be kept will
    not be taken into account, as they will be forced to be kept in
    the solution.

        reactions (list): List of reaction names, a binary vector
            indicating the reactions to keep, or a list of indexes
            with the reactions to keep.

        BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
    if self.variables.indicators is None:
        raise ValueError("""No indicator variables for reactions, 
                         transform it to a subset selection problem calling
                         subset_selection first, providing positive weights for the
                         reactions you want to keep.""")
    if reactions is None or len(reactions) == 0:
        return False
    if isinstance(reactions, str):
        reactions = [reactions]
    # Check if it's a binary vector
    if len(reactions) == and max(reactions)==1:
        reactions = np.where(reactions==1)[0]
    # Check if the reactions have an indicator variable
    reactions = set([0] for rxn in reactions)
    available = set(rxn.index for rxn in self.variables.assigned_reactions if rxn.cost > 0)
    diff = reactions - available
    if len(diff) != 0:
        raise ValueError(f"""Only reactions associated with positive weights
                         can be forced to be selected. The following reaction 
                         indexes have no indicator variables or are associated with 
                         negative weights: {diff}.""")
    valid_rxn_idx = reactions & available
    # Get the indexes of the indicator variables
    idxs = [i for i, r in enumerate(self.variables.assigned_reactions)
            if r.index in valid_rxn_idx]
    return dict(idxs=idxs, valid_rxn_idx=valid_rxn_idx)

obtain_subnetwork(self, extraction_mode=<ExtractionMode.ABSOLUTE_FLUX_VALUE: 'flux_value'>, comparator=<Comparator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL: 'geq'>, value=1e-08)

Same as select_subnetwork but returns the network instead.

See select_subnetwork for a detailed description of the method.


Type Description

A MiomNetwork with the selected subnetwork.

Source code in miom/
def obtain_subnetwork(
    """Same as [select_subnetwork][miom.miom.BaseModel] but returns the network instead.

    See [select_subnetwork][miom.miom.BaseModel] for a detailed description of the method.

        MiomNetwork: A MiomNetwork with the selected subnetwork.
    # If indicators are present and assigned,
    # take the subset of the network for which
    # the indicators of positive weighted reactions
    # are equal to 1
    if extraction_mode == ExtractionMode.ABSOLUTE_FLUX_VALUE:
        variables = self.variables.flux_values
        if variables is None:
            raise ValueError("The model does not contain flux variables. "
                             "You need to call first steady_state() to add "
                             "the flux variables")
    elif extraction_mode == ExtractionMode.INDICATOR_VALUE:
        variables = self.variables.indicator_values
        if variables is None:
            raise ValueError("The model does not contain indicator variables. "
                             "You need to transform it to a subset selection problem "
                             "by invoking subset_selection() first.")
    elif extraction_mode == ExtractionMode.REACTION_ACTIVITY:
        variables = self.variables.reaction_activity
        if variables is None:
            raise ValueError("The model does not contain reaction activity variables. "
                             "You need to transform it to a subset selection problem "
                             "by invoking subset_selection() first.")
        raise ValueError("Invalid extraction mode")

    if comparator == Comparator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
        selected = np.where(np.abs(variables) >= value)[0]
    elif comparator == Comparator.LESS_OR_EQUAL:
        selected = np.where(np.abs(variables) <= value)[0]
        raise ValueError("Invalid comparison")
    # TODO: Assigned reactions work only for indicator variables
    if extraction_mode == ExtractionMode.INDICATOR_VALUE:
        rxns = [self.variables.assigned_reactions[x] for x in selected]
        selected_idx = [rxn.index for rxn in rxns]
    elif extraction_mode == ExtractionMode.ABSOLUTE_FLUX_VALUE:
        selected_idx = selected
        raise NotImplementedError("Only indicator variables and absolute flux values are supported")


Resets the original problem (removes all modifications)


Type Description

instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.

Source code in miom/
def reset(self):
    """Resets the original problem (removes all modifications)

        BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
    if self.problem is None:
        warnings.warn("Problem is not initialized, nothing to reset")
        return False
        return True

select_subnetwork(self, mode=<ExtractionMode.ABSOLUTE_FLUX_VALUE: 'flux_value'>, comparator=<Comparator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL: 'geq'>, value=1e-08)

Select a subnetwork and create a new BaseModel to operate on it.

The new instance of the BaseModel is a new problem instance with no constraints. If the idea is to perform FBA simulations on this new subnetwork, remember to add the new constraints, especially the steady_state.


Name Type Description Default
mode ExtractionMode

Method used to extract the subnetwork (based on flux values or using the indicator values). Defaults to ExtractionMode.ABSOLUTE_FLUX_VALUE.

<ExtractionMode.ABSOLUTE_FLUX_VALUE: 'flux_value'>
comparator Comparator

Comparator for the selected mode. Defaults to Comparator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL.

<Comparator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL: 'geq'>
value float

Value threshold for the mode and comparator selected. Defaults to 1e-8.



Type Description


Source code in miom/
def select_subnetwork(
    """Select a subnetwork and create a new BaseModel to operate on it.

    The new instance of the BaseModel is a new problem instance with no constraints.
    If the idea is to perform FBA simulations on this new subnetwork, remember to add
    the new constraints, especially the `steady_state`.

        mode (ExtractionMode, optional): Method used to extract the subnetwork 
            (based on flux values or using the indicator values). 
            Defaults to ExtractionMode.ABSOLUTE_FLUX_VALUE.
        comparator (Comparator, optional): Comparator for the selected mode. 
            Defaults to Comparator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL.
        value (float, optional): Value threshold for the mode and comparator selected. 
            Defaults to 1e-8.

        [type]: [description]
    return self.obtain_subnetwork(extraction_mode=mode,

set_flux_bounds(self, rxn_id, min_flux=None, max_flux=None)

Change the flux bounds of a reaction.


Name Type Description Default
rxn_id str/int

name or id of the reaction to change

min_flux float

Min flux value. Defaults to None.

max_flux float

Max flux value. Defaults to None.



Type Description

instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.

Source code in miom/
def set_flux_bounds(self, rxn_id, min_flux=None, max_flux=None):
    """Change the flux bounds of a reaction.

        rxn_id (str/int): name or id of the reaction to change
        min_flux (float, optional): Min flux value. Defaults to None.
        max_flux (float, optional): Max flux value. Defaults to None.

        BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
    i, _ =
    return i

set_objective(self, cost_vector, variables, direction='max')

Set the optmization objective of the model.


Name Type Description Default
cost_vector Iterable

List with the cost for each variable

variables Iterable

Variables used for the objective function

direction str

Optimization direction (min or max). Defaults to 'max'.

Source code in miom/
def set_objective(self, cost_vector, variables, direction='max'):
    """Set the optmization objective of the model.

        cost_vector (Iterable): List with the cost for each variable
        variables (Iterable): Variables used for the objective function
        direction (str, optional): Optimization direction (min or max). Defaults to 'max'.
    if self.objective is not None:
        warnings.warn("Previous objective changed")
    self.objective = (cost_vector, variables, direction)

set_rxn_objective(self, rxn, direction='max')

Set a flux objective

Maximize or minimize the flux through a given reaction.


Name Type Description Default
rxn str

Name of the reaction to use for the optimization

direction str

Minimization or maximization of the flux ('min' or 'max'). Defaults to 'max'.



Type Description

instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.

Source code in miom/
def set_rxn_objective(self, rxn, direction='max'):
    """Set a flux objective

    Maximize or minimize the flux through a given reaction.

        rxn (str): Name of the reaction to use for the optimization
        direction (str, optional): Minimization or maximization of 
            the flux ('min' or 'max'). Defaults to 'max'.

        BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
    i =
    cost = np.zeros(
    cost[i] = 1
    self.set_objective(cost, self.variables.fluxvars, direction=direction)
    return self

setup(self, **kwargs)

Provide the options for the solver.


Name Type Description
int_tol float

Integrality tolerance for integer variables. Defaults to 1e-8.

feas_tol float

Feasibility tolerance. Defaults to 1e-8.

opt_tol float

Relative MIP gap tolerance for MIP problems. Defaults to 1e-5.

verbosity int

Values above 0 force the backends to be verbose. Use a value of 1 to show useful information about the search. Defaults to 0.


Type Description

the configured instance of the BaseModel

Source code in miom/
def setup(self, **kwargs):
    """Provide the options for the solver.

        int_tol (float): Integrality tolerance for integer variables.
            Defaults to 1e-8.
        feas_tol (float): Feasibility tolerance. Defaults to 1e-8.
        opt_tol (float): Relative MIP gap tolerance for MIP problems.
            Defaults to 1e-5.
        verbosity (int): Values above 0 force the backends to be verbose.
            Use a value of 1 to show useful information about the search.
            Defaults to 0.

        BaseModel: the configured instance of the BaseModel
    if self.problem is None:
        warnings.warn("Problem cannot be configured since it was not initialized")
        return False
    options = dict()
    int_tol = kwargs["int_tol"] if "int_tol" in kwargs else None
    feas_tol = kwargs["feas_tol"] if "feas_tol" in kwargs else None
    opt_tol = kwargs["opt_tol"] if "opt_tol" in kwargs else None
    verbosity = kwargs["verbosity"] if "verbosity" in kwargs else None
    solver = kwargs["solver"] if "solver" in kwargs else None
    if int_tol is not None:
        options["int_tol"] = int_tol
    if feas_tol is not None:
        options["feas_tol"] = feas_tol
    if opt_tol is not None:
        options["opt_tol"] = opt_tol
    if verbosity is not None:
        options["verbosity"] = verbosity
    if solver is not None:
        options["solver"] = solver
    # Calculate a min eps value to avoid numerical issues
    self._options["_min_eps"] = np.sqrt(2*self._options["int_tol"])
    return self._options

solve(self, verbosity=None, max_seconds=None)

Solve the current model and assign the values to the variables of the model.


Name Type Description Default
verbosity int

Level of verbosity for the solver. Values above 0 will force the backend to show output information of the search. Defaults to None.

max_seconds int

Max time in seconds for the search. Defaults to None.

Source code in miom/
def solve(self, verbosity=None, max_seconds=None):
    """Solve the current model and assign the values to the variables of the model.

        verbosity (int, optional): Level of verbosity for the solver. 
            Values above 0 will force the backend to show output information of the search. Defaults to None.
        max_seconds (int, optional): Max time in seconds for the search. Defaults to None.
    self._last_start_time = perf_counter()


Add the required constraints for finding steady-state fluxes

The method adds the \(S * V = 0\) set of constraints, where \(S\) is the stoichiometric matrix and \(V\) the flux variables.


Type Description

instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.

Source code in miom/
def steady_state(self):
    """Add the required constraints for finding steady-state fluxes

    The method adds the $S * V = 0$ set of constraints, where $S$
    is the stoichiometric matrix and $V$ the flux variables.

        BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.

subset_selection(self, rxn_weights, direction='max', eps=0.01, strengthen=True)

Transform the current model into a subset selection problem.

The subset selection problem consists of selecting the positive weighted reactions and remove the negative weighted reactions, subject to steady state constraints and/or additional constraints on fluxes, and maximizing the weighted sum of the (absolute) weights for the successfully selected reactions (with positive weights) and the successfully removed reactions (with negative weights). Selected reactions are forced to have an absolute flux value greater or equal to the threshold eps (1e-2 by default). Removed reactions should have a flux equal to 0.

Each reaction is associated with a weight (positive or negative) provided in the parameter rxn_weights, and the objective is to select the reactions that optimizes the following expression:

\[ f(x) = \sum_i^n |w_i| * x_i \]

where \(x_i\) are the indicator variables for the reactions \(i\) and \(w_i\) are the weights for the reactions associated to the indicator variable. Indicator variables are automatically created for each reaction associated to a non-zero weight. Two (mutually exclusive) indicator variables are used for positive weighted reactions that are reversible to indicate whether there is positive or negative flux through the reaction. A single indicator variable is created for positive weighted non-reversible reactions, to indicate if the reaction is selected (has a non-zero flux greater or equal to eps) in which case the indicator variable is 1, or 0 otherwise.

A single binary indicator variable is also created for negative weighted reactions, indicating whether the reaction was not selected (i.e, has 0 flux, in which case the indicator variable is 1) or not (in which case the indicator variable is 0).


Name Type Description Default
rxn_weights list

List of weights for each reaction. If a single value is provided, it is assumed to be the weight for all reactions.

eps float

Min absolute flux value for weighted reactions to consider them active or inactive. Defaults to 1e-2.



Type Description

instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.

Source code in miom/
def subset_selection(self, rxn_weights, direction='max', eps=1e-2, strengthen=True):
    """Transform the current model into a subset selection problem.

    The subset selection problem consists of selecting the positive weighted
    reactions and remove the negative weighted reactions, subject to steady
    state constraints and/or additional constraints on fluxes, and maximizing
    the weighted sum of the (absolute) weights for the successfully selected reactions
    (with positive weights) and the successfully removed reactions (with negative
    weights). Selected reactions are forced to have an absolute flux value greater 
    or equal to the threshold `eps` (1e-2 by default). Removed reactions should have a
    flux equal to 0.

    Each reaction is associated with a weight (positive or negative) provided
    in the parameter `rxn_weights`, and the objective is to select the reactions 
    that optimizes the following expression:

    f(x) = \sum_i^n |w_i| * x_i

    where $x_i$ are the indicator variables for the reactions $i$ and $w_i$ are
    the weights for the reactions associated to the indicator variable. Indicator
    variables are automatically created for each reaction associated to a non-zero
    weight. Two (mutually exclusive) indicator variables are used for positive weighted 
    reactions that are reversible to indicate whether there is positive or negative flux 
    through the reaction. A single indicator variable is created for positive weighted
    non-reversible reactions, to indicate if the reaction is selected (has a non-zero 
    flux greater or equal to `eps`) in which case the indicator variable is 1, 
    or 0 otherwise. 

    A single binary indicator variable is also created for negative weighted reactions, 
    indicating whether the reaction was not selected (i.e, has 0 flux, in which case the
    indicator variable is 1) or not (in which case the indicator variable is 0).

        rxn_weights (list): List of weights for each reaction. If a single value
            is provided, it is assumed to be the weight for all reactions.
        eps (float, optional): Min absolute flux value for weighted reactions
            to consider them active or inactive. Defaults to 1e-2.

        BaseModel: instance of BaseModel with the modifications applied.
    # Calculate min valid EPS based on integrality tolerance
    min_eps = self._options["_min_eps"]
    if eps < min_eps:
        warnings.warn(f"Minimum epsilon value below min. allowed value, changed to {min_eps}.")
    eps = max(eps, min_eps)
    if not isinstance(rxn_weights, Iterable):
        rxn_weights = [rxn_weights] *
    rxnw = _weighted_rxns(, rxn_weights)
    if self.variables.indicators is None:
        self.variables._assigned_reactions = rxnw
        return dict(eps=eps, direction=direction, strengthen=strengthen)
        raise ValueError("The current model is already a subset selection problem.")

Comparator (str, Enum)

Comparator enum to use with select_subnetwork()


Name Type Description

Select those variables with a value greater or equal than the one provided.


Select those variables with a value less or equal than the one provided.

Source code in miom/
class Comparator(str, Enum):
    """Comparator enum to use with [select_subnetwork()][miom.miom.BaseModel]

        GREATER_OR_EQUAL (str): Select those variables 
            with a value greater or equal than the one provided.
        LESS_OR_EQUAL (str): Select those variables 
            with a value less or equal than the one provided.
    GREATER_OR_EQUAL = "geq",
    LESS_OR_EQUAL = "leq"

ExtractionMode (str, Enum)

Method to select the subnetwork to be extracted.

This mode works with the method select_subnetwork only after a subset selection problem was succesfully solved. If the model is configured as a subset selection problem, the user can extract a subnetwork after the method solve() was called. The selection of the subnetwork can be done using the indicator variables or the flux variables.

For more information, please read the documentation of the method subset_selection


Name Type Description

Use a decision criterion based on the value of the fluxes. For example, by selecting all the reactions that have an absolute flux value above a certain threshold.


Use the binary indicator variables to select the subnetwork. Binary indicator variables are created for a subset selection problem (after calling subset_selection). Two indicators are created for each positive weighted and reversible reaction, to indicate if there is a non-zero positive flux or negative flux respectively. A single binary indicator variable is created for each negative weighted reaction. In this case, an indicator value of 1 indicates that the reaction was succesfully removed, and 0 otherwise. You can use the value of the indicator variables to select a subnetwork after solving. For example, if all the reactions have a negative weight (since the goal is, for example, to minimize the number of reactions subject to some other constraints) and you want to select only the reactions that were not removed after solving, you can use the indicator variables with a value of 0.

Usage example:

    # Convert to a subset selection, where each reaction
    # has a weight of -1.
    # Solve the optimization problem
    # Get the subnetwork selecting the reactions
    # with an indicator value below 0.5. Since variables
    # are binary, it basically selects all the reactions
    # associated with a binary indicator value of 0.
    # This corresponds to the reactions that were not
    # removed after solving the problem (since all the
    # reactions have negative weights, and their binary
    # indicator variables are 1 if they were successfully
    # removed, and 0 if they could not be removed).

Source code in miom/
class ExtractionMode(str, Enum):
    """Method to select the subnetwork to be extracted.

    This mode works with the method [select_subnetwork][miom.miom.BaseModel] 
    only after a subset selection problem was succesfully solved.
    If the model is configured as a subset selection problem, the user can
    extract a subnetwork after the method solve() was called. The selection
    of the subnetwork can be done using the indicator variables or the flux

    For more information, please read the documentation of the method

        ABSOLUTE_FLUX_VALUE (str): Use a decision criterion based on the
            value of the fluxes. For example, by selecting all the reactions
            that have an absolute flux value above a certain threshold.

        INDICATOR_VALUE (str): Use the binary indicator variables to select
            the subnetwork. Binary indicator variables are created for a
            subset selection problem (after calling [subset_selection][miom.miom.BaseModel]).
            Two indicators are created for each positive weighted and reversible reaction,
            to indicate if there is a non-zero positive flux or negative flux respectively.
            A single binary indicator variable is created for each negative weighted reaction.
            In this case, an indicator value of 1 indicates that the reaction was succesfully
            removed, and 0 otherwise. You can use the value of the indicator variables to
            select a subnetwork after solving. For example, if all the reactions have a
            negative weight (since the goal is, for example, to minimize the number of 
            reactions subject to some other constraints) and you want to select only the
            reactions that were not removed after solving, you can use the indicator
            variables with a value of 0.

            Usage example:
                # Convert to a subset selection, where each reaction
                # has a weight of -1.
                # Solve the optimization problem
                # Get the subnetwork selecting the reactions
                # with an indicator value below 0.5. Since variables
                # are binary, it basically selects all the reactions
                # associated with a binary indicator value of 0.
                # This corresponds to the reactions that were not
                # removed after solving the problem (since all the
                # reactions have negative weights, and their binary
                # indicator variables are 1 if they were successfully
                # removed, and 0 if they could not be removed).
    ABSOLUTE_FLUX_VALUE = "flux_value",
    INDICATOR_VALUE = "indicator_value",
    REACTION_ACTIVITY = "reaction_activity"

Solvers (str, Enum)

Solvers supported by the miom module.

Please refer to to see the list of supported solvers using the PICOS backend. The Python-MIP backend only supports the GUROBI and CBC solvers.

Note that in some cases, the Python-MIP backend (GUROBI/CBC) might be faster setting up the problem than the PICOS backend since it has less overhead.


Name Type Description

Recommended solver for most problems (LP, MIP). It uses the Python-MIP backend. Note that GUROBI is a commercial software which require a license. Free academic licenses are also available at


For using GUROBI with the PICOS backend instead of Python-MIP.


Free LP/MIP solver with good performance, provided with Python-MIP.


Commercial solver with a performance similar to GUROBI. Only supported by the PICOS backend.

SCIP str

Free academic solver, supported by the PICOS backend.

GLPK str

Open source solver, supported by the PICOS backend.


Commercial solver, supported by the PICOS backend.

Source code in miom/
class Solvers(str, Enum):
    """Solvers supported by the miom module.

    Please refer to to see
    the list of supported solvers using the PICOS backend. The Python-MIP backend
    only supports the GUROBI and CBC solvers.

    Note that in some cases, the Python-MIP backend (GUROBI/CBC) might be faster
    setting up the problem than the PICOS backend since it has less overhead.

        GUROBI_PYMIP (str): Recommended solver for most problems (LP, MIP).
            It uses the Python-MIP backend. Note that GUROBI is a commercial
            software which require a license. Free academic licenses are 
            also available at
        GUROBI (str): For using GUROBI with the PICOS backend instead of Python-MIP.
        COIN_OR_CBC (str): Free LP/MIP solver with good performance, provided with Python-MIP.
        CPLEX (str): Commercial solver with a performance similar to GUROBI. Only
            supported by the PICOS backend.
        SCIP (str): Free academic solver, supported by the PICOS backend.
        GLPK (str): Open source solver, supported by the PICOS backend.
        MOSEK (str): Commercial solver, supported by the PICOS backend.
    GUROBI_PYMIP = "gurobi_pymip",
    GUROBI = "gurobi",
    COIN_OR_CBC = "cbc",
    CPLEX = "cplex",
    GLPK = "glpk",
    SCIP = "scip",
    CVXOPT = "cvxopt",
    MOSEK = "mosek"

Status (str, Enum)

Subset of PICOS solver status codes.

This subset of states offers compatibility between Python-MIP and PICOS. Status codes can be obtained after solving an optimization problem with the property status. For example:

>>> import miom
>>> miom.load('@iMM1865').steady_state().set_rxn_objective('BIOMASS_reaction').solve().status
{'status': 'optimal', 'objective_value': 798.811, 'elapsed_seconds': 0.479}
Source code in miom/
class Status(str, Enum):
    """Subset of PICOS solver status codes.

    This subset of states offers compatibility between Python-MIP and PICOS.
    Status codes can be obtained after solving an optimization problem with
    the property `status`. For example:

    >>> import miom
    >>> miom.load('@iMM1865').steady_state().set_rxn_objective('BIOMASS_reaction').solve().status
    {'status': 'optimal', 'objective_value': 798.811, 'elapsed_seconds': 0.479}
    OPTIMAL = "optimal",
    FEASIBLE = "feasible"
    INFEASIBLE = "infeasible",
    UNBOUNDED = "unbounded",
    ILLPOSED = "illposed",
    EMPTY = "empty",
    PREMATURE = "premature",
    UNKNOWN = "unknown"

load(network, solver=None)

Create a MIOM optimization model for a given solver. If the solver is Coin-OR CBC, an instance of PythonMipModel is used (which uses the Python-MIP lib as the backend). Otherwise, a PicosModel is created (which uses PICOS as the backend).


Example of how to perform FBA to maximize flux through the BIOMASS_reaction in the iMM1865 model:

>>> import miom
>>> network = miom.load_gem("@iMM1865")
>>> flx = (miom


Name Type Description Default
network miom_network or str

A miom metabolic network or a valid file that can be imported with load_gem().

solver Solver

The solver to be used. Defaults to Solver.GLPK.



Type Description

A BaseModel object, which can be PythonMipModel if CBC solver is used, or a PicosModel otherwise.

Source code in miom/
def load(network, solver=None):
    Create a MIOM optimization model for a given solver.
    If the solver is Coin-OR CBC, an instance of PythonMipModel is used
    (which uses the Python-MIP lib as the backend). Otherwise, a PicosModel
    is created (which uses PICOS as the backend).

        Example of how to perform FBA to maximize flux through the
        `BIOMASS_reaction` in the iMM1865 model:

        >>> import miom
        >>> network = miom.load_gem("@iMM1865")
        >>> flx = (miom

        network (miom_network or str): A miom metabolic network or a valid file that
            can be imported with [load_gem()][miom.mio.load_gem].
        solver (Solver, optional): The solver to be used. Defaults to Solver.GLPK.

        BaseModel: A BaseModel object, which can be PythonMipModel if CBC solver is
            used, or a PicosModel otherwise.
    if solver is None:
        solver = Solvers.COIN_OR_CBC
        if _picos_backend_available:
            solvers = pc.solvers.available_solvers()
            if "gurobi" in solvers:
                solver = Solvers.GUROBI
            elif "cplex" in solvers:
                solver = Solvers.CPLEX

    solver = str(solver.value) if isinstance(solver, Enum) else str(solver)
    if isinstance(network, str):
        network = load_gem(network)
    if solver == 'cbc':
        return PythonMipModel(miom_network=network, solver_name=solver)
    if solver == 'gurobi_pymip':
        return PythonMipModel(miom_network=network, solver_name='gurobi')
    if _picos_backend_available:
        return PicosModel(miom_network=network, solver_name=solver)
        raise Exception("""PICOS is not installed. Please install it with pip, 
                        or reinstall miom with the right options, for example with:
                        'pip install miom[all]'.""")